
Monthly side hustle challenges. I will be sharing wins, losses and tips with 100% honesty. I'm on a mission to provide genuine feedback, provide valuable insights and build a supportive community.

black camera lens near gray laptop computer and black tablet computer inside well lit room
black camera lens near gray laptop computer and black tablet computer inside well lit room

Hustle Chronicles


We all become experts in our fields through trial and error. I've had some big successes and tough losses, each teaching me valuable lessons. In 2020, I started learning web development as a hobby. I've gained skills in Web3 and blockchain data analytics, scoring crypto grants during a market dip.

However, gaining these skills required significant time, effort and upfront costs. I will share my journey for those wishing to follow that path. Juggling a full-time job, family duties, and spending 4-5 hours on my side hustle every night for four years wasn't easy. Now, I'm starting a new venture. And The Hustle Chronicles was born. It aims to show what's possible with just 1 - 2 hours 'work' each night and a mobile or laptop device with internet connection.

This isn't a get-rich quick scheme. It's about achieving financial freedom for everyday needs and luxuries like holidays, insurances, and home improvements. I'll share honest insights into my wins, losses, tips, and mistakes to help you learn.The goal is to build willpower, discipline, and a positive mindset for financial independence. The Hustle Chronicles will provide step-by-step guides and discuss potential pitfalls. I'll investigate opportunities that might be too good to be true, so you don't have to.

Small profits matter, and we'll explore ways to accumulate them, aiming for passive income with minimal ongoing effort after the initial workload and set up. Even dedicating just one hour a night can make a difference, but if you have more time, great! We can speed up the process together. But worry not, you might find a unique niche which will boost your success. Some projects might involve a bit of luck, and we'll face them together. Feel free to use my content and ideas to adapt them to your situation. Let's journey towards financial independence with The Hustle Chronicles as your guide.

About Me - The Short version (5ft 8")

I work as a full-time aeronautical engineer and, with a bustling family life, I carve out 4-5 hours each evening for side hustles and hobbies. Initially, I financed my laptop and coding courses through Matched Betting. Today, my coding skills fuel the development of my Web3 data analytics app, complete with integrated multilingual chatbots and robust educational features like flashcards, practice quizzes, and final exams on various subjects. YAWN! While I still profit from Matched Betting, my latest challenge extends beyond that, guiding others in the process.

I'm have added a dedicated coding section for those interested in learning, connecting them with Web3 communities if desired. Additionally, a Matched Betting section and my inaugural side hustle challenge, concluding after 30 days, will be featured.

Outside of these pursuits, I'm a somewhat ordinary 28-year-old who finds joy in gardening, golf, and football. Though I'm not an avid reader, I prioritise studying and advocate for positive mental and physical health.

I will NEVER initiate messages or emails, nor do I EVER ask for payments. Please be vigilant with scammers. But if you ever fancy a chat, feel free to reach out.

For additional insights or a light bedtime read, explore the About Me page.

100% Genuine Interest and Honest Feedback

Venturing into a journey of challenges goes beyond conquering hurdles; it's a quest for growth, discovery, and a more fulfilling life. My motivation springs from a 100% genuine interest in unravelling the dynamics of what truly works – not just for me, but for anyone aspiring to construct their own passive income streams. The allure of this venture lies in its dual purpose; as I navigate the intricacies of diverse side hustles, my goal is not only personal gain but also the sharing of invaluable lessons with others.

What Will I Gain from These Challenges?
Simultaneously Teaching Others

The joy derived from personal success is undoubtedly immense, but it gains a deeper resonance when shared with others. In navigating these challenges, I aspire not only to achieve my goals but also to act as a guide for those who may be on a similar journey. By openly sharing my experiences, insights, and the lessons learned along the way, I hope to empower others to embark on their own ventures confidently. The exchange of knowledge and the sense of community fostered through this sharing process elevate the significance of these challenges beyond personal gain.

Learning Invaluable Lessons

Challenges inherently bring forth opportunities for growth and learning. Whether it's navigating the complexities of a new side hustle, adapting to market trends, or refining my problem-solving skills, each challenge presents a unique set of lessons. These lessons extend beyond the realm of financial gains, encompassing personal development, resilience, and a deeper understanding of the dynamics of success and failure.


In conclusion, the rewards derived from these challenges extend far beyond the immediate financial gains. It's about cultivating a mindset of continuous learning, sharing the journey with a community of like-minded individuals, and, ultimately, achieving a harmonious balance between personal success and the empowerment of others. Through genuine curiosity, a commitment to building passive income, teaching, and learning, these challenges unfold as a transformative experience with benefits that reach well beyond the confines of the initial endeavours. Psst! It's a hobby that I hope will help others to achieve financial freedom.

brown and white wooden desk with chair and laptop
brown and white wooden desk with chair and laptop


Project: Crypto Trading with Zignaly

Start Date: 19 Feb 24

“Let the Best Traders Make You Money”

“We use AI to hand-pick only the top traders that beat inflation and traditional markets.”

Sound too good to be true? It probably is! But luckily for you, I am the one taking the risk to find it. And my findings will be 100% honest with full transparency of how much profit or loss I make. Only invest what you can afford to lose.

To make this very clear. I am a Web3 developer and I do have a crypto portfolio. However, I do NOT trade crypto. The crypto market is extremely volatile and unpredictable, not to mention it can easy be manipulated. Any money you put into this may be lost, only ever put in what you can afford to lose. 100% of it. This is also a first for me. Letting someone else use my money to trade with. Let's learn together on this one!

I have invested £389 ($490) into this knowing full well that I may have £0 tomorrow. Before you invest any money please do you own research, due diligence and read all the legal info! I will provide a links to what I have read.

ZIGDAO WhitePaper
Articles and How-To Guides
Risk Warning
Terms of Service

So now you have done your own research. You can find my write up below.

If you want to invest along with me, here is a direct link to the ZIGDAO website. And I chose this Trader called No_FUD_No_FOMO due to their great stats and Z-Score. Using these links will ensure you do not go to the wrong website and feel free to copy my trader or find your own. You can find a visual step by step guide on what you need to do with regards to getting set up, moving some USDT from any crypto exchange to your ZIGDAO wallet and choosing a trader at the bottom of this page. Please read the content and documentation via the links provided prior to setting up your account, depositing money and choosing a trader.

Want to see all side hustle challenges?

Embarking on side hustle challenges is a journey of both victories and setbacks, offering invaluable lessons for personal and financial growth. Celebrating wins reinforces the importance of dedication and strategic decision-making, providing a blueprint for future endeavors. Equally important are the lessons drawn from losses, acting as guides to avoid pitfalls and fostering resilience. The experiences garnered create a wealth of knowledge, shaping an adaptable and informed entrepreneurial mindset. Beyond individual gains, these challenges contribute to building a sustainable path aligned with skills, passions, and goals, paving the way for a fulfilling and enduring entrepreneurial journey.

Day 35 | $273.57


Explore Opportunities - Research and Choose

Research various side hustle ideas based on your skills, interests, and market demand. Consider the feasibility and potential profitability of each option.



In-Depth Analysis - Research Your Chosen Side Hustle

Dive deeper into the selected side hustle by conducting thorough research. Explore competitors, target audience, pricing strategies, and potential challenges.


Strategic Blueprint - Create a Detailed Plan of Action

Develop a comprehensive plan of action. Define your goals, outline specific tasks, and set deadlines. Include details on how you'll handle marketing, finances, and any other key aspects of your side hustle.


Financial Foundations - Establishing Your Side Hustle Budget

Establish a budget for your side hustle, considering initial setup costs and ongoing expenses.


Digital Showcase - Building an Online Presence for your Business

Build a professional online presence, such as a website and social media profiles, to showcase your services or products.

I have meticulously crafted a comprehensive 9-step process that serves as my guide when embarking on a new side hustle. This methodology guarantees thorough due diligence by encompassing extensive research, meticulous planning, and strategic execution to bring the final product to fruition. Additionally, I prioritise networking as an integral component, ensuring not only the success of the venture but also facilitating its sustainable growth and expansion.


Targeted Outreach - Crafting a Strategic Marketing Plan

Develop a marketing strategy to reach your target audience and attract potential clients or customers.


Financial Management - Setting Up Systems for Your Finances

Set up a system for managing finances, including tracking income, expenses and taxes related to your side hustle.


Connect and Collaborate - Networking in Your Industry

Network and engage with others in your industry to build connections and gain insights.


Adapt and Thrive - Continuous Evaluation and Adjustment

Continuously evaluate and adjust your plan as needed, adapting to market changes and feedback from customers and clients.


Feel free to contact the team via the form or email: if you have any queries or need a confidence boost before starting any side hustles.

We will NEVER email you first or ask for any payment details. The content on this website is FREE. But feel free to buy me a coffee if you wish to support my work. All money in the pot will be used for free to enter giveaways and a ‘pay it forward’ scheme.

To support our site, we may use links which earn us a commission at no extra cost to you.