Easy to use and leaves the car cleaner.. for longer! Which means less time spent overall and more money saved. Let me explain..

With a busy work and family life, I find myself trying to find ways of making mundane, repetitive household jobs a lot faster. I have a toddler who loves to help me with all the jobs, from gardening to car washing. Believe it or not, my little helper did 50% of the cleaning, where he could reach. I normally spend £12-15 every week getting one of my 2 cars cleaned. That’s up to £60 a month! Just because it used to take far too long to clean the cars myself. Well.. not anymore! I am bad for not normally reviewing products that have impressed me. But I am changing that!

I have been driving my Cupra to work and back (28 miles each way) for the past 3 days. Look at the bottom of the page to see how dirty the car is now!

Before I go on, watch the video. Spoiler.. it’s not what it looks like. I will do a breakdown on the products and the costs below.

Quick Car Wash, Save Time & Money

It only took me 20 minutes to clean and wax each car! I spend more time at the car wash, and pay a lot more for it.

The products I used are all bought through Amazon and arrived the next day. I wanted them all to be simple to use, quick and easy. They attached to my hose, sprayed creating the foam effect, used the Mitt to agitate the dirt, watered off (all the dirt came off straight away as it has been lifted off the car at this point), used the shine attached to the hose again (covered the whole car in 1 minute), used the cloth to wipe off. Simple!

1st - This is my first time using this Car Plan Demon Foam but I will be stocking up if I ever see it come on offer! I will be getting a replacement regardless. It comes with a nozzle that simply attached onto your hose and you walk round with the bottle and it sprays a foam out all over the car. Do not rinse the car prior to using the foam, it grabs onto the dirt and lifts it away; ready for the next stage. You then leave it to soak for 5 mins. I just started with the mitt as soon as I finished spraying as the car took about 5 mins to spray to ensure all areas were covered.

2nd - Use the Microfibre Car Wash Mitt to agitate the dirt that has now been lifted off. This ensures that when you rinse the car off next, it will all fall off the car without having to go back over any areas. I did not have to do any areas again as it is really easy to see where you have used the mitt, due to the foaming effect prior to using the mitt and how it looks after.

3rd - Simply rinse the whole car with water to remove all the dirty and any foam left, you can either remove the bottle from the end of the hose or there is a lever that will only allow water to come out. I decided to just remove the bottle as I found it easier. The dirt falls away really easily as it has already been lifted off the vehicle by the previous 2 steps.

4th - Attach the Car Plan Demon Shine to the end of the hose, exactly the same way as the Demon Foam is attached. Try and cover the whole car as well as you can. It goes a long way! I probably applied a little too much but I have to say, all dirt just seems to bounce off the car even 5 days on and water is STILL beading. Look at the pictures at the bottom if you have not already.

5th and final step - Just dry off the car using a Microfibre Towel and see the shine almost instantly! Keep squeezing out the cloth so it doesn’t get too wet. The car was not completely dry but in 5 minutes it dries out and the paintwork looked like glass!


I normally pay £12-15 for each car wash. I think I picked all this up for about £28-30 depending on the discounts on Amazon at the time of purchase. Definitely a good investment in my opinion! As I have stated, this is the car after 5 days of driving and it would normally be all dirty again by now. So I wont actually need to use this product as much as I though. Meaning even less time spent cleaning and even more money saved compared to going to a car wash. Overall, really impressed by these products. I will be purchasing the wheel cleaner next.