Crypto Trading with Zignaly

Day 35 | $273.57

I have invested £389 ($490) into this knowing full well that I may have £0 tomorrow. Before you invest any money please do you own research, due diligence and read all the legal info! I will provide a links to what I have read. 

ZIGDAO WhitePaper
Articles and How-To Guides
Risk Warning
Terms of Service 

So now you have done your own research. You can find my write up below.

If you want to invest along with me, here is a direct link to the ZIGDAO website. And I chose this Trader called No_FUD_No_FOMO due to their great stats and Z-Score. Using these links will ensure you do not go to the wrong website and feel free to copy my trader or find your own. You can find a visual step by step guide on what you need to do with regards to getting set up, moving some USDT from any crypto exchange to your ZIGDAO wallet and choosing a trader at the bottom of this page. Please read the content and documentation via the links provided prior to setting up your account, depositing money and choosing a trader.

In the realm of finance, promises of effortless wealth often raise eyebrows, and rightfully so. The allure of AI-powered trading platforms claiming to handpick top traders, surpassing inflation and traditional markets, sounds enticing yet dubious. As a curious investor willing to explore the realm of high-risk, high-reward ventures, I embarked on a journey of transparency and honesty, delving into the world of ZIGDAO.

Foremost, let me dispel any illusions: investing carries inherent risks. My commitment to honesty led me to invest £380, fully aware of the potential for total loss. Before venturing into any investment, prudent research, due diligence, and legal comprehension are imperative. I implore prospective investors to peruse the provided resources, including the ZIGDAO WhitePaper and pertinent risk disclosures, ensuring informed decisions. Navigating the process proved surprisingly straightforward, facilitated by my prior acquaintance with cryptocurrency platforms like Binance. Transferring funds to my Zignaly wallet and selecting a low-risk trader is very simple, it only took me about 5 minutes from start to finish. You can find the step-by-step guide for this at the bottom of the page.

I will pause here to offer some Web3 free education for those interested. For novices lacking crypto acumen, fret not; I offer guidance garnered from my tenure as a Web3 Developer, coupled with multilingual chatbots for autonomous learning. Let's get back to this side hustle.


Transitioning from Zignaly to ZIGDAO, the rebranding initiative underscores a broader ambition: decentralization. DAOs epitomize a paradigm shift in organizational governance, embracing blockchain technology for transparency and community-driven decision-making. While intricacies abound, the core premise remains accessible to all intrigued by the crypto landscape.

Within the ZIGDAO framework, traders are stratified into three tiers, each meticulously evaluated by the Z-Score AI algorithm. This sophisticated algorithm weighs profitability, risk, and consistency, presenting users with a curated selection of top-ranked traders. Categorized as Slow & Steady, Fast & Furious, or Rising Star, each trader caters to distinct risk appetites, offering varying levels of potential reward.

ZIGDAO’s value proposition as a social crypto investment platform resonates with its commitment to inclusivity and flexibility. Users can engage through signal-based trading, expert copying, or fully delegated mode with profit sharing, eschewing traditional subscription models in favour of success-based fees.

The allure of effortless wealth must be tempered by prudent discernment and realistic expectations. ZIGDAO emerges as a beacon within the crypto sphere, offering a transparent and accessible avenue for investors to navigate the complexities of digital assets. While the journey may be fraught with uncertainty, embracing knowledge and transparency empowers investors to make informed decisions, transcending the allure of empty promises. The only way to find out if this passive income stream is worthwhile is for me to test it for myself. All results will be shared with 100% honesty! Kindly be advised that your investment outcomes may deviate from mine unless you are aligned with the identical trader, thereby experiencing commensurate wins and losses.

“Let the Best Traders Make You Money”

“We use AI to hand-pick only the top traders that beat inflation and traditional markets.”

Sound too good to be true? It probably is! But luckily for you, I am the one taking the risk to find it. And my findings will be 100% honest with full transparency of how much profit or loss I make. Only invest what you can afford to lose.

To make this very clear. I am a Web3 developer and I do have a crypto portfolio. However, I do NOT trade crypto. The crypto market is extremely volatile and unpredictable, not to mention it can easy be manipulated. Any money you put into this may be lost, only ever put in what you can afford to lose. 100% of it. This is also a first for me. Letting someone else use my money to trade with. Let's learn together on this one!

See the End of Challenge Update at the bottom of this page.

Day 35 | The end of this challenge and what a roller coaster it has been!

Lots of profit fluctuation day by day. I originally set myself a target to make $300 in 30 days. I then extended that when it was so close to 35 days. I then realised that I am just being greedy at this point and I need to be happy that I have made a good amount of profit on this challenge so far. So I have settled up. And here are my results and my 100% honest review. If you want to see my daily profits with 100% transparency then please check any of my social media accounts as I posted them daily as they happened.

Firstly I deposited $490.33 (after transaction fees).

I then found myself trader with a good score. See the info above to learn all about how I how I did this. I have provided all the information available so please do your own research. Long story short.. I checked it every day, posted in online and I withdrew...

Which is a profit of $273.57, and I want to make this very clear. This was all passive income, I gave my funds to a trader and they did it all. On the flip side, I could also be writing this with $0 and be -$490. So keep that in mind. Again, all the information is above for you to do your own research and analyse the risk yourself.

To prove that the funds can be withdrawn, here is a screenshot within my Binance account of the $763.57 (the withdrawn balance minus the transaction fees).

In conclusion, would I recommend this as a viable side hustle? Well, I can't say no as I have made a good bit of profit in just over a month. All completely passive. However, whenever you use Crypto please remember how volatile the markets are. ONLY ever deposit money into it that you can afford to lose. If you are at peace with the fact that it may go to $0 or £0, whatever the amount you put in. Then go ahead with it. That should be the same mindset for any trading in my opinion. But on the flip side. No risk, No reward.