
Start Date: 18 Dec 2021


This side hustle is for want to be Developers or just Web3 nerds. You may not understand all of it. But if not, message me and I will explain anything you like. I am more than happy to help! If you want to learn about Web3. The you can via one of my ChatBots. If you don't know what to ask, just type "help" and the buttons will help as a prompt. I hope you enjoy this section!

If this endeavour has taught me anything, it's the profound significance of consistency and dedication in achieving success. Over the past three years, I've committed myself to coding for between 2 to 5 hours almost every evening between 7pm - 12pm. This disciplined approach, characterized by little and often, has been instrumental in my journey of growth and accomplishment. Through consistent effort and perseverance, I've not only acquired a wealth of knowledge and skills but also achieved milestones beyond what I initially thought possible. This experience serves as a testament to the transformative power of daily commitment and the remarkable outcomes it can yield over time.

How it works in short: GRTDataHub serves as the central hub for GRT data, offering real-time visual representations sourced from The Graph blockchain via Subgraphs. It ensures universal access to the latest GRT information across all devices. Initially developed for "The Graph News" on the Graphtronauts YouTube channel, GRTDataHub has evolved into a vital educational asset, providing transparency and data analytics about $GRT to community members and group admins for all over the globe. However, I then built on this and developed chatbots and a quiz feature for the communities.

Mission Statement: At GRTDataHub, I want to ensure all the on-chain data is easy to interpret for the communities. Showcasing data analytics on both the Arbitrum and Ethereum networks. My mission is to empower users with the tooling and up to date resources, facilitating seamless navigation of the Web3 and The Graph ecosystem.

My platform features eight multilingual chatbots, each offering comprehensive learning materials and support tailored to users interested in exploring Web3 and The Graph. The chatbots cover topics from beginner to advanced levels, providing personalised guidance to meet each user's needs. From learning what Web3 is to learning how to become a developer, the chatbot will provide the information.

Additionally, I have developed a quiz feature allowing users to assess their knowledge and skills before applying to become a Graph Advocate. This interactive tool not only reinforces learning but also prepares users for real-world challenges within The Graph community and teaches them about all potential roles.

Research: I embarked on my journey with extensive research to comprehend the courses and experience needed to make a web app. It took three years of dedicated learning through Udemy courses to acquire the necessary skills to bring this project to fruition. I started off learning the very basics, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript through "The Web Developer Bootcamp" course. Progressing further, I delved into app development for mobiles with "Build iOS, Android and Web App" and then transitioned to React.js with "The Complete React Guide" course.

Expanding my skillset, I ventured into backend development with Python through "The Complete Python Bootcamp" course and started exploring machine learning and Artificial Intelligence with "Deep Learning, Neural Networks, AI & ChatGPT" course. Most recently, I've been focusing on advanced frontend development with Next.js and tailwind CSS through "Full Stack Next JS app with TS" course.

Always eager to learn more, I continually seek new opportunities to enhance my skills and stay updated with the latest technologies in web development. Remember, when purchasing Udemy courses, patience is key - they often go on sale for significantly reduced prices.

The Web Developer Bootcamp - HTML, CSS and JS
The Complete Python Bootcamp - Python
The Complete React Guide - React JS
Build iOS, Android and Web App - For Mobiles and Web Apps
Full Stack Next JS app with TS- Next JS and Typescript
Deep Learning, Neural Networks, AI & ChatGPT - Artificial Intelligence

Development: My hands-on experience and technical proficiency, cultivated through three years of self-taught coding played a pivotal role in guiding the development of the GRTDataHub web app. Utilizing the foundational knowledge acquired from courses such as "The Web Developer Bootcamp" for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, I embarked on the journey of bringing this project to life.

As I progressed, I applied my newfound skills to fetch on-chain data using subgraphs, a concept I learned through practical application and experimentation. This involved diving into backend development with GraphiQL and queries, as well as exploring advanced frontend frameworks like React.js and Next.js through courses like "The Complete React Guide" and "Full Stack Next JS app with TS".

With a solid understanding of web development principles under my belt, I seamlessly integrated the data analytics feature into the app, ensuring real-time visualization of GRT data sourced from The Graph blockchain in both graph and number format. Additionally, I leveraged my expertise to develop the chatbots and quiz feature, creating interactive and engaging tools that align closely with user expectations.

Throughout the development process, I remained committed to staying abreast of the latest advancements in technology and continuously honing my skills. By combining my passion for learning with practical application, I was able to bring the vision of GRTDataHub to fruition, empowering users with valuable insights and resources in the dynamic world of Web3 and The Graph ecosystem. I can truly say that my passion for coding and love of it has made learning it a whole lot easier!

Testing: Rigorous testing was a crucial phase in the development of the GRTDataHub app, ensuring seamless functionality and reliability across various platforms and devices. Leveraging my knowledge gained from Udemy courses, I employed a variety of testing methodologies to validate the performance of the app with I learned from YouTube. (FOR FREE)

Through unit testing, I meticulously examined individual components of the app to ensure they functioned as intended. Integration testing was also employed to verify the seamless interaction between different modules and features. Additionally, I conducted compatibility testing across different browsers and devices to guarantee a consistent user experience for all users.

User feedback played a pivotal role in refining the app during the testing phase. By soliciting input from early users and beta testers, I was able to identify and address potential issues before the official launch. Friends within the Graphtronauts community played a huge role in this testing phase! This iterative process allowed me to fine-tune the app, ensuring it met the needs and expectations of the users. I like to pretend to be the user and act as if I am visiting the app for the first ever time and then write everything down that is wrong, then repeat on different devices.

In conclusion, rigorous testing, coupled with invaluable user feedback, ensured that the GRTDataHub app delivered a seamless and reliable experience for users across all platforms and devices. By prioritizing quality assurance throughout the development process, I was able to confidently launch a product that meets the highest standards of performance and usability.

Deployment: With thorough testing completed, the time had come to launch GRTDataHub and introduce it to the Web3 and The Graph community. I use Hostinger for my domain and hosting of the app. It has always been really great service so I have never looked elsewhere. I also use them for all my other websites I have built. Leveraging the dynamic capabilities of RenderForest. The paid version is worth it for £10 to £15 per month and you can create eye-catching promotional videos showcasing the unique features and functionalities of your platform. These videos served as powerful marketing tools, capturing the attention of users and generating excitement for the launch.

My deployment strategy involved rolling out new features and updates incrementally, ensuring a steady stream of fresh content to engage users. RenderForest proved invaluable in creating visually stunning videos to accompany each new feature release, further enhancing my marketing efforts and attracting users eager to explore the platform.

As GRTDataHub gained momentum within the community, my marketing efforts continued to highlight its unique value proposition and benefits. Through targeted campaigns and strategic outreach, we successfully attracted users looking to enhance their knowledge and skills in Web3 and The Graph ecosystem.

In conclusion, the deployment of GRTDataHub was a collaborative effort, combining the power of RenderForest for captivating promotional videos with strategic marketing initiatives to generate excitement and attract users. Making friends within The Graph ecosystem was a huge benefit to both my personal growth and the app growth. By leveraging innovative tools and platforms, I successfully introduced GRTDataHub to the community, setting the stage for its continued growth and success to this day!

Networking: I have always been deeply committed to cultivating a vibrant and engaged community around GRTDataHub. Through strategic networking efforts, I have forged close connections with users, industry experts, and leaders within the Web3 and The Graph ecosystem. T The consistent active presence on social media, particularly X, where I are nearing 1000 followers, all from within the Web3 ecosystem; has allowed me to engage with users and amplify my message to a wider audience.

In addition to my social media presence, I established close relationships with key figures in The Graph, including CEOs and community managers. These connections have provided valuable insights and opportunities for collaboration, enabling me to stay at the forefront of developments in the ecosystem.

One notable highlight of my networking efforts was my appearance on the popular Web3 GRTiQ Podcast. This platform provided me with a unique opportunity to share my vision for GRTDataHub and connect with a broader audience of enthusiasts and stakeholders in the Web3 and The Graph community.

Moving forward, I remain dedicated to fostering partnerships and supporting users on their journey in Web3 and The Graph. By continuing to build meaningful relationships and engaging with the community, I am confident that GRTDataHub will thrive as a trusted and indispensable resource for users worldwide.

What have I learned from this?

In this journey, I've discovered and learned more than I could have ever imagined. The process of building and developing GRTDataHub has been a transformative experience, enriching my understanding of web development, blockchain technology, and the vibrant communities within the Web3 and The Graph ecosystem. Each challenge I've encountered has been an opportunity for growth, and I'm continually inspired by the endless possibilities that lie ahead. I have also become a voice for good and I have learnt to speak out when things are unjust and need improvements. Without change and sticking our neck on the line sometimes, things that do not work, stay the same. Be the change for good!